Radio Surveillance/Repelling of Eavesdropping Attacks
The protection of offices, conference rooms or living areas against eavesdropping attacks by mini-transmitters (so called bugs)is also included in our technical-operative service spectrum.  Confronted with an increasing competition, accompanied with the loss of ethical basic values of some contemptiblecorporations or whole nations (rogue states), cases of industrial espionage are on a dramatically increase.
One of the major modus operandi are eavesdropping attacks, where the spoken word inside a room is intercepted and transmitted out of the building (by a mini-transmitter) to the eavesdropper. By detecting and localization of such transmitters we ascertain, that classified content of meetings and information will really remain inside the company. Direction Finder
To achieve these securty measures, we are deploying special measurement and direction finding equipment, whichcan detect and localize any kind of activities in the radio spectrum.

Mini-Transmitter for Eavesdropping Purposes